Launch of the ICHAT Project

The Hemp European Hub is launching the ICHAT project: an innovative collective initiative for the future of textile hemp!

We are delighted to announce the launch of the ICHAT project (Industrialization of Textile Hemp), in partnership with committed stakeholders from across the entire textile hemp value chain: Corderie Meyer Sansboeuf, Eco-Technilin, FRD-CODEM, La Chanvrière, Lacoste, UIT Champagne Ardenne, Université de Haute-Alsace, and Université de Lorraine.

A Common Goal: De-risk future industrial investments by analyzing the best technologies for enhancing textile hemp fiber across three key areas:

  • Analysis of Technical Pathways
  • Life Cycle Assessment and Eco-Score Evaluation
  • Development of Economic Models for Value Chains

The work will focus on cottonized fibers, semi-long fibers, and long fibers, and will continue until the end of 2027.

We are proud to lead and support this cross-sector collective project through our dedicated co-construction spaces and the expertise of our associates! Together, we provide concrete and practical solutions to current challenges to expand hemp applications!