An innovative and federative organization to make hemp a driver for the transition of our territories

hemp processing

Contribute to the development of hemp production, processing and uses.

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the cooperative universe

of the European

Hemp Hub

Supporting the creation and implementation of collective projects

Supporting the creation and implementation of collective projects

Spaces for sharing and inspiration

Spaces for sharing and inspiration

Training, awareness-raising and promotion activities

Training, awareness-raising and promotion activities

Bringing support to emerging ecosystems

Support for the structuring of territorial ecosystems

Latest news
of the European Hemp Hub

South Africa Mission

Cooperating internationally around hemp!

Last June, a delegation of French companies (FRD – CODEM, HEMP-it, INRAE, La Chanvrière, NutriMarketing, and Wall Up Préfa), accompanied by COBASA, traveled to South Africa to share their expertise as part of a mission to support the emergence and structuring of a multi-market hemp sector in the country. We …

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An innovative decision-support tool (DST) to optimize hemp retting

In September 2022, FRD-CODEM and UMR FARE (INRAE-URCA) signed an agreement to create an associated partnership laboratory (LPA) called 4FM (FARE and FRD-CODEM common laboratory for Futures Fibres & Materials). Thanks to this structure, the partners, who have known each other for over 15 years, aim to develop a shared …

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